Why I Love Living By The Sea

I am so lucky to live on the Yorkshire Coast … no two days are the same in terms of weather, and seeing the sunrise over the sea in the mornings is one of life’s true pleasures.

Some people loathe living by the coast! Yes, really! I know of people who’ve moved away from the coast because it was too cold, too windy, too remote …

So why do millions of visitors flock to our beaches? I’m lucky enough to live on the Yorkshire Coast, and here are my Top Ten Reasons to love ‘beach life’!

The Views

The views – sunrise, sunset, anything in between. Each day is different. The sea and the sky change constantly providing daily inspiration.

The Weather

It might feel colder on the coast, but that can only mean one thing – an excuse for a good, warm coat!

The Food

Having fish landed in your local harbour is hard to beat! And you can watch the fisherman ‘set sail’ to cast their nets.

Ice Cream

Tooth-achingly cold and always with a stick of flaky chocolate!

The Turning Year

The feeling of the ‘turning year’ is never more apparent than on the coast; getting ready for the new tourist season; thronged beaches during Bank Holidays; the calm of autumn and the often deserted sands of winter. Perfect!

The Seagulls … ?

Seagulls – always a divisive subject, seagulls are prevalent (to say the least) near the coast. Locals ignore them, visitors feed them, and often get shouted at for doing so!

The Tides

There’s nothing more humbling or awe-inspiring than a high tide, helped along by a whipping, blasting wind. 

The Shells

Walking along the beach with an ebbing tide means you can find all sorts of treasures, from empty seashells to spectacular sea glass. Always follow the Beach Combing Code.

The Locals

It does help to have been born and bred in a coastal town, but even if you haven’t, seaside dwellers are very proud of their cliffs, coves and coble landings!

The History

There isn’t a coastal town or port in the country that doesn’t have a long and fascinating past.